Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Posted by Ashlee at 11:52 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Just seeing if I still remember how to complete a post.
Isn't it funny that after so much time has gone by since I've posted I can't think of anything to post because there is too much.
I will blame it on going back to school and trying to somewhat manage a home and four young children. was out running the other night though, and thought how sad it was that the past year I haven't any fun stories or quotes from my children because I haven't typed them on the blog. So, I'm going to somehow make sure I post something each week.
Last week was Birthday week at our house!!! Bostyn turned 5 and then three days later Nayvi turned 2. Bostyn had a friend party and we had 14 4-5 yr. olds here in the backyard and it was very fun. They were all so great and luckily I had a couple neighbors stay to help out.
We went camping for Nayvi's Birthday. We just made a last minute little trip up to Belmont Springs but it was so relaxing to take the kids swimming in a hot spring pool and then we grilled dinner and Jadon and I had a little basketball game. yes....Jadon won the game. He's either getting really good or I'm getting really slow. Probably both. I was so grateful for the spur of the moment trip because it seems that life has gotten so crazy we don't just play with the kids very often. It was so great to not have anything cleaning, reading, yard work, etc...to do, we just could play with our fun kids. We let the kids choose a movie to watch while Bart and I got their beds all ready but they were all out within 2 min. So Bart and I stayed up and watch Monsters v. Aliens. It was a great, simple trip.
Posted by Sproket Hed at 1:43 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Oh, Bostyn
I just wish I could have a video camera on this boy every second to capture his little attitude, body language, and tone of voice as he says silly things.....That is what really make his words funny.
He hit us with these two comments back to back in a two min. time span the other night.....
Zhoee left to go to Tangled (again) with Grandma and the rest of us were sitting down for dinner. Bart thought he was being sneaky by bringing rootbeer in from the garage to have with dinner. He poured him and Bossy a drink and we sat down for the prayer.
Bossy wanted to say it:
Prayer went as usual and he asked that Dad would be blessed driving to and from work (even though he had already been home for 1/2 hour) then he asked for help and Bart said "bless Zhoee while she's gone." Bossy looked us with a shocked look and said, "Zhoee can drive now?"
Then while eating Bart said I was a good cook and dinner was yummy. Bossy said, "No, Daddy is a really good cook." I asked what Dad had made to contribute (I was a little offended)
Bossy, with a "duh" attitude: "Well.... Pop!!!
Oh seriously!!!
Posted by Ashlee at 11:00 AM 3 comments
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
New York City- Girls Trip
Posted by Ashlee at 2:01 PM 6 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Circus!
Posted by Ashlee at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Peach Days 2010
Posted by Ashlee at 4:52 PM 0 comments