sickness, snuggling, and laundry chutes
Yesterday my poor Bart was sick. He stayed home from work and just wanted to be babied. I actually really like to take care of him. But, I find it very hard to get my to-do list complete when he's home. I just want to be by him and talk or whatever else just not clean. He slept most of the morning and when I got home from picking up Jadon from K, I came upstairs and Bossy was sleeping all snuggled up to Bart. I was shocked, Bostyn does NOT snuggle, if you try he cries and pulls away, he will fall asleep just fine if you just lay him in his crib, and that's how he likes things. I've often complained about this... When Bart saw my face he just said "I made him snuggle, he didn't like it at first, but I forced him." It was a cute sight!
No fair, can Bart come play at my house for a while? I have all sorts of fun "projects" for him!!! Sorry he was sick though. That is no fun.
It was good seeing you too! Your kids are so cute, and your blog is lots of fun to read! anyways to change you blog background and stuff I will need your e-mail so I can send you the instructions, and hopefully it will help you out!
ASHLEY! How are you? It's Katie (Evans) Price. I love your story about church. My husband used to have meetings in the morning, and I wanted to punch myself in the face every time I had to get ready. And I only had two kids to get ready. You're insane! Three under five is enough to push any mother over the edge. I love the farting in sacrament meeting - my little boy thinks it's the funniest thing to do it and laugh about it really loud. It's so good to hear what you are doing.
I love the laundry shoot! Bart sounds a lot like Drew, he is constantly coming up with new "things" to build! I love it! Is Boston walking yet? Crew just took his first steps today!!! AAAHHHH! They are around the same age arent they? Crew turned 10 months on the 2nd? Your family picture is so cute, where did you have it taken?
Ashlee - you're crazy. I wish you would have left a comment sooner. I always wonder what you're up to. We live in the Destination subdivision right down the street from Farr West Elementary. I think you are in our stake. Small world. Is your oldest in school yet? I swear it was yesterday and I saw you and you were pregnant. I love the laundry chute thing - Trav wants to build one, but I'm afraid he would just spend his time dropping the kids down it. We should get together sometime - I think our little girls are about the same age. And my little guy is only a year younger than yours I think.
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