Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hibernating for the day!

Zhoee was sick again this morning so I've decided I'd make her stay in bed and drink lots of liquids and rest. I made the HUGE mistake of teaching her how to use the phone intercom system to call me downstairs if she needed anything. Well, as I should have known, she "needs" something every 5 minutes, and I can't get anything done between the phone calls. The last call was just to tell me and Bossy to come up by her because she was feeling lonely. How sweet.

We think Bossy is the one responsible for breaking our camera so I really haven't taken any pictures lately. :( I did get this one of Bostyn is his common sleeping position the other day.

please excuse my mess: sheets are in the wash and laundry was being tackled (slowly)


Isaac, Kelsie, and Adlee said...

How does he sleep like that? It is the funniest thing I have ever seen! Hope Zho gets feeling better!

Kathryn said...

i think that it is so funny that he can sleep that way! ummmm but about that blanket I just thought I would let you decide it will probably be like 50 dollars you don't have to have it but i will give you first chance at it:) just let me know!