Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Another funny "Kelsie Story"

I just got caught thinking about this story and thought I'd better embarass my little sister, just to prove I'm doing my job as the "big sister"
Kelsie and Isaac were at our house and we were all sitting around talking, except the kids who were busy playing and doing their own thing around us. Well, Zhoee, had about 3 little babies in the room she was toting around playing with and kept shoving one of them in Kelsie's arms saying "teet" "teet". I really wasn't paying too much attention to Zhoee because us adults were having a conversation of our own. After a few minutes I did notice Zhoee looking confused and still saying "teet" "teet" and Kels looking confused but she slowly held up the baby to her breast and acted like she was nursing the doll. The situation became suddenly clear and I burst out laughing.
Zhoee frequently calls her dolls "Tate", because she has a little baby cousin named Tate. Kels thought Zhoee was asking to do something else........need I say more.

Kels, what would I do without you? You bring so much laughter to my life. I have always been so blessed to have you for a sister. I miss you so much now that you are in Pheonix, this wasn't meant to be tear jerker but I now type with tears falling. I was so sad yesterday as you and Isaac traveled back home and I knew it would be months before I got to spend time laughing, shopping, and simply watching you struggle changing my kids diapers and bathing them to help me. I love you and miss you more than you realize!!!!!! You have grown up so much since you have been married and moved away, it is such a blessing to hear your testimony, talk with you, and laugh.


Isaac, Kelsie, and Adlee said... are such a sweet sister! I won't be to ashamed of that story--I am confident anyone else would have done the same thing! I just thought you taught her a more naughty word for boob!
Christmas was awesome--can't wait for the CRUISE!!! yay! love you!